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Acupressure: A Thousand Year Old Pain Reliever

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Acupressure: A Thousand Year Old Pain Reliever

Lisa Vincenti

What is Acupressure?

Acupressure is a healing art of Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) which has evolved over thousands of years. It’s a form of massage therapy using the acupuncture meridian system which helps relieve bodily ailments by applying pressure on specific points of the body. It is effective receiving from a professional and can be practiced as self-care too.

Traditional Chinese Medicine works with our Qi (life-sustaining energy force) flowing through meridians, or network channels. Meridian lines connect the surface of the body with the internal organs. Every organ and major region in the body needs energy in order to function. Energy comes from the nutrients we eat from food, and from free-flowing blood. There are six pairs of meridians (12 total major meridians), each affecting a corresponding Yin/Yang organ. As long as Qi (pronounced CHEE) can flow through these energy channels in the Goldilocks zone (not too little and not too much), disease can be averted.

Imbalanced Qi can cause ailments. The goal of acupressure is to gently pinch, rub or apply pressure on either a local point (the area of pain) or a trigger point (a part of the body connect to where the pain or discomfort is) to regulate Qi flow

Practice here how to apply acupressure for stress, anxiety, menstrual cramps, and headaches.

Uses of Acupressure

Just like other type of massage which is relaxing, acupressure also helps:

  • release stress, anxiety and tension

  • relax muscles and joints

  • minimize or relieve headaches

  • treat motion sickness

  • improve sleep

  • soothe pain and discomfort

  • reduce pain cause by menstrual cramps

Acupressure therapy stimulates the body's circulatory, lymphatic and hormonal systems. It also supports the functions of the immune system and the body's natural ability to heal itself.

To learn more about what is acupressure, where a beginner can start, major acupressure points and the differences between acupressure and acupuncture, read here

To learn about different types of pressure points and how acupressure benefits your health, read here

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