Golden: Sensational Seasonings
Golden: Sensational Seasonings
Jack up your junk food or make gourmet meals! Sensational Seasonings are versatile, full-flavor whole-food nutrition for kick-ass pleasure. Enjoy in salads, soups, dips, pastas, rices, rubs, taters, bagels, popcorn, sauces, scrambles, stir-fries, and whatever you dream up...
GOLDEN's flavor definitely resembles classic curries but is brighter, with cinnamon and coriander forward sensibilities that make it cross the line between savory and sweet. As much as we love it with fresh citrus and coconut oil in sauteed greens, we also use it now and then in our morning hot grains with a bit B-grade maple syrup. Many find Golden lends itself well to dishes with cooked tomatoes, and adds an umami quality when added boldly.
Optimized for:
Ease of use
GMO-FREE, Raw Organic Ingredients!
Hemp seeds (raw hulled), Nutrional yeast, Coriander, Cinnamon, Turmeric, Cardamom, Fenugreek, Cumin, Red Clover blossoms, Slippery Elm bark, Watercress, White Oak bark, Cornsilk, Kelp, Blessed Thistle, Sheep Sorrel + Roots of Dandelion, Astragalus, Burdock, Nettle, Yacon, Carrot, Ginger, Rhubarb + Sprouted Seeds of Flax, Chia, Milk Thistle + Miso, Chili, Paprika, Sage, Chromium, Selenium, Energetics, B-vitamins & more
*All ingredients are Certified Organic except yeast
Recipes and more details to come....