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Explore Breathwork

WELCOME to finding your personal breathwork bliss! Perhaps choose a method to play with daily for a week or two, then try another… By going deeper with a few, you will develop brain - body integration, build savvy within, and learn what works specifically for your personality and your lifestyle. When used correctly, science shows many benefits from regular conscious breathing.



WELCOME to finding your personal breathwork bliss! Perhaps choose a method to play with daily for a week or two, then try another…

By going deeper with a few, you will develop brain - body integration, build savvy within, and learn what works specifically for your personality and your lifestyle. When used correctly, science shows many benefits from regular conscious breathing:

  • change pH of your blood (alkalinity vs acidity)

  • boost digestion

  • lower heart rate

  • lower cortisol stress hormone levels

  • encourage better quality sleeping

  • when used intensely with sound technique, experience pleasurable psychedelic effects

Science links:

Somedays warrant different sensibilities too; for example, check out Water, Whiskey, Coffee to understand three major ways of deep breathing that showcase powerful possibilities for self care. When we try different techniques, we learn more about ourselves and our individual needs from habit and ritual. Life becomes more essentially satisfying!

If you have a sharable favorite breathing technique that could help our community, send it to us by clicking here. We love to learn too :)

Ramp up quickly and explore the simplicity of commanding your body-mind connections with breath

Ramp up quickly and explore the simplicity of commanding your body-mind connections with breath

WATER, WHISKEy, & Coffee:
Change your breath change your Life

We do it as long as we live but mostly aren't aware of it: breathing. In his talk Lucas breaks down the fundamentals of yoga breathing in a way that you can easily remember and apply to your practice. Lucas shows us how three breathing practices, tools to help us overcome any situation.

Change Your Breath Change Your Life -

4:09 - Water breathing

  • 10 rounds of 4 In : 4 Out

  • Anytime needing Balance

  • Safe to use all day any way

  • Always good

5:27 - Whiskey breathing

  • 10 rounds of 4 In : 8 Out

  • for Natural Sedative

  • Lie down

  • Before Sleep

7:02 - Coffee breathing (use sparingly)

  • 3 rounds of 20x speedy exhales

  • in Morning

  • Before Workout

  • in afternoon When Craving sugar or to stimulate action

  • Use sparingly or it’s too agitating

Reading version (visual linguistic):

Regulate your chemistry, banish stress, & strengthen your mind-body control. Never do this in a car.

Regulate your chemistry, banish stress, & strengthen your mind-body control. Never do this in a car.

Wim Hof Method

The autonomic nervous system! The endocrine system! The lymphatic system! The immune system! The vascular system!” he declaims when [Richard Godwin Skyped] him in Holland. “According to science, humans couldn’t actively influence any of these. But we have shown that you can tap into them.” Just by breathing? “Yes! That’s why we made a T-shirt that says: ‘BREATHE MOTHERFUCKER!’” He bursts out laughing. “It’s so good, because it’s so simple!”

Guided Breathing for Beginners (3 Slow Paced Rounds) -

This Breathing Bubble is an audiovisual guide that helps you maintain rhythm and pace during your breathing sessions. Simply watch the bubble as it expands and contracts, and follow with your breath. You'll hear Wim breathe alongside you, and entrancing background sounds help tune out your surroundings, allowing you to focus on nothing but your breath.

If you prefer Wim Hof to explain this in person -

If you want a faster paced guided breathing exercise -

Check out our INTERACTIVE guided breathing in our FREE mobile app:

Go deeper into the Wim Hof Method practice with our FREE and purchased online video courses - note that due to the pandemic paid course prices are reduced:

Doctor Dissects the Wim Hof Method - Cold Hard Science Analysis -

Practice this breath techniques so that it is done accurately and automatic. Remember, form is always important than speed.

Practice this breath techniques so that it is done accurately and automatic. Remember, form is always important than speed.

Kundalini Yoga – How to do Breath of Fire

Breath of Fire is a continuous breathing technique. It helps  blood circulation of the body to release toxins from the kidneys, increases vital strength and oxygen delivery to the brain. This technique energizes our whole system and increases our immunity to help prevent diseases. 

The breath of fire is a pranayama common in kundalini yoga, this yoga breathing technique is heating, detoxifying and energizes your whole system. This breathing technique is done with 1-2 cycles per second continuously for 1-3 minutes with our mouth closed. The amount of inhale and exhale should be equal. Beginners may start at a slower pace with at least 30 seconds.

Who should *NOT* do this pranayama or yoga breathing technique? People with:

1. Cardiac Problems

2. Spinal Disorders

3. Respiratory Infections

4. Pregnant Women

So if it's instructed in a yoga class, just do long slow deep breathing instead.

To experience Breath of Fire, follow the instructions in this video

You may have done the breath of fire with me in the following classes:




Potent purifying yoga breathing technique which allows for Kundalini Energy to awaken and rise through the central psychic channel - The Shushumna.

Potent purifying yoga breathing technique which allows for Kundalini Energy to awaken and rise through the central psychic channel - The Shushumna.

Kundalini Energy Awakening

Anulom Vilom Pranayama also known as Alternate Nostril Breathing Technique is a breathing exercise that helps balance the energy flowing the Ida and Pingala nadis or channels to allow the energy to flow up to Sushumna Nadi (central channel).

To do this breathing technique

  • sit in Sukhasana, Padmasana, etc,

  • ensure that your back is straight

  • start by blocking the right nostril, inhale slowly on the left nostril (5 secs) to fill up your lungs, cover both nostril for (5 secs), and then release and exhale from the right (5 secs), cover again both nostrils (5 secs), then release the right cover and inhale for (5 secs), cover both again nostrils again and hold (5 secs), and exhale on the left…

  • Repeat again

  • For starters, have 5 rounds and as you get comfortable go for 20-30 rounds

This breath work helps in balancing and relaxing your mind, body, and soul. It is said to be very helpful with respiratory problems such asthma, bronchitis, allergies. Aside from that, it will also balance and relax your nervous system, relieves headache, enhance focus and decision-making ability.

As the breathing exercise balances and opens the chakras, Kundalini Energy begins to flow and safely awaken.

It is important to not overdo this technique so safe kundalini awakening can take place, as the pranayama uses breath retention.

Yoga Breathing Technique for Safe Kundalini Energy Awakening -

For more free yoga and meditation techniques visit...

To learn more about the steps and benefits of this breathing technique -

We remind ourselves to have fun, let go of what people think and to invite in a practice that serves you! Take a moment to find what feels good! Smile! Practice self love - Adriene

We remind ourselves to have fun, let go of what people think and to invite in a practice that serves you! Take a moment to find what feels good! Smile! Practice self love - Adriene

PRANAYAMA: Lion’s Pose

Simhasana or Lion’s Pose is a strong seated asana is a powerful breathwork with forceful exhalation. It is named after its facial expression as well as the sound it produce during breathing.

Simhasana helps reduce stress, anxiety and angry by releasing tension during breathing. It is also a good way to control your life energy the way you want. You might find yourself weird but do not mind what other people think, as a result it could also boost confidence.

This pranayama practice helps:

  • relieve stress

  • boosts vitality

  • get rid of negative emotions

  • relieves tension in the chest and face

  • imhasana helps keep the platysma firm as we age

  • according to traditional texts, Simhasana destroys disease and facilitates the three major bandhas (Mula, Jalandhara, Uddiyana)

We remind ourselves to have fun, let go of what people think and to invite in a practice that serves you!

Explore this breath practice in many shapes or whilst in traffic. Take a moment to find what feels good! Smile! Practice self love.

Watch here as Adriene break down this pranayama practice and pose

To learn more about Simhasana

For step by step process and tips

For more free Yoga and Yoga Lifestyle go to

For comprehensive and fun at home yoga programs visit

Let go of your ego and conscious mind, to access inner wisdom. Picture of a sitter and the breather.

Let go of your ego and conscious mind, to access inner wisdom. Picture of a sitter and the breather.


Holotropic breathwork is a type of pranayama breathing practice that help in your self-exploration and boost your personal growth. It was developed in the mid 1970’s by Dr. Stanislav Grof and his wife. Its purpose is to experience psychedelic without using a drug.

Holotropic comes from Greek words, holos meaning “wholeness” and trepein meaning “moving in the direction of something.”

Watch here for intro to holotropic breathwork

There are many research about this and results shows that it could treat a wide range of psychological and existential life issues. In 1996, study shows that this breathing technique combined with psychotherapy has the capacity to reduced death from anxiety and boosts self-esteem compare to those who consult to therapy only.

To practice this breathing technique, it is recommended to have a guidance from a trainer. It is safe to practice but it is not recommended to some people especially to those with cardio diseases, high blood pressure, history of seizure, aneurism, severe mental illness and pregnant or breastfeeding women as it could bring up intense feelings and bad memories that could worsen symptoms.

To learn more about holotropic

For articles related to holotropic breathing practice:


Holotropic Breathwork LA: and Neurodynamic Breathwork online

Bhastrika means “bellows” which describes filling and emptying your abdomen and lungs. It is an advanced breathing technique that requires familiarity with abdominal breathing.

Bhastrika means “bellows” which describes filling and emptying your abdomen and lungs. It is an advanced breathing technique that requires familiarity with abdominal breathing.


Bhastrika Pranayama (Bellows Breath) is a breathing exercise that is often used to energize the body and clarify the mind. This technique can help increase your digestive power and boost your metabolism. The next time you feel sluggish, instead of reaching for a cup of coffee, try an energetic breathing practice instead.

If you feel hazy, or like you're moving in slow motion, Bhastrika will help clear the clouds. It is best practice during morning before breakfast. Practice doing it at least 3 rounds/session with interval between rounds.

  1. Choose a comfortable sitting position, rest the hands on the knees, relax the muscles and close your eyes

  2. Take a deep breath in and out forcefully through the nose

  3. The expansion and contraction in your abdomen during breathing is normally exaggerated

  4. Repeat the process, a strong nasal sound will be produce during the breathing - maintain the speed.

  5. Ten cycles is equivalent to 1 round

RESTRICTIONS: heart problem, hypertension, fever, vertigo, pregnant or menstruating women, spinal abnormalities, ulcer, detached retina, glaucoma and anyone with a risk of stroke.

Follow the video on how this breathing exercise will help activate the DMT stored in yourself [12:13]

To learn more how powerful this breathing technique helps in energizing your day: [skimmable]

For more information about the benefits and contraindications of using Bhastrika Pranayama [skimmable]

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